A man and a woman : one and the same passion

Wood Wide SRL is a man, a woman and a passion.
Johnny, the band, and Isabelle, the singer: a winning duo!
We work and live together every day.
The principal aspects of our lives are that we share our values in both our private and professional lives. These values are very important to us and we strive to imbue our entire lives with them and, beyond that, to radiate them to others.
Justice. Discipline. Courage. Love.
Our work is governed by the greatest respect for order, justice, accuracy and prudent management.
Our have positioned ourselves as a source of advice and expertise. We value mutual assistance and respect and, more generally, in a context of generosity and altruism.
We love our product – wood – and respect it.
Our philosophy is to except and highlight our difference, to cultivate our inner riches and to reflect them and have them shine through the way we work, that is to say: quality products with higher added value and working in a way that respects matter, processes and positive living beings.
We – Isabelle and Johnny – build strong and long-lasting relations with our customers and suppliers, relationships rich in exchanges in which everyone wins.
We think that we are here on Earth to learn and share, and we are open to sharing what we learn, our observations and knowledge.
However, we want to do so with past, present and future friends, in a context of openness to others, respect, and TRUE sharing. We expect people in our ‘circle’ to share our fundamental values. That is a sine qua non for lasting relationships.
We consider ourselves to be the artisans of a better world and work to that end every day. Still, that does not prevent us being human and students in the school of life. We still sometimes botch things and make mistakes. May we always keep our eyes open to our mistakes and correct course, whilst pardoning our missteps, which are part of the journey…
We live in a dualistic world where we have chosen the light.
Today we want to move forward and evolve towards and with other beings and entities, be they physical or moral persons.
Wood Wide, a world of possibilities with a 360° vision of the wood sector: partnership and synergism!